
Why Fetch Your Wealth?

At Fetch Your Wealth we believe that wealth is retrievable and tangible if you have the right savings mindset. 

Our mission is to provide assistance and knowledge to First Responders and their loved ones in various life stages, including those who are:

  • In good health

  • Facing disability

  • Approaching retirement

How do we accomplish this? By enhancing financial preparedness for unforeseen circumstances and offering guidance for life beyond the workplace.

We also extend our support and education to:

  • Individuals

  • Business owners

  • Families

  • Individuals considering retirement

  • Those looking to start saving for their children's education

What is Fetch Your Wealth?

We use strategies to help you create a clear pathway to tax minimization using life insurance as a tool that will provide and secure your wealth.

We can make these advanced strategies accessible for you and your family, ensuring that you're financially prepared for all of life's major milestones like college funding, home buying, retirement, and more!

At Fetch Your Wealth, we work with top insurance carriers to ensure your retirement is guaranteed, available, predictable, and flexible.

Joan’s Story

Joan is not just an officer’s wife, but an advocate that has worked tirelessly to ensure her family and other police families are financially secure--despite an officer's disability.

When Joan’s husband, Greg, was injured, she thought they had proper plans in place. Greg, a medically retired police officer, EMT, and firefighter of 26 years was injured on the job. Joan quickly realized within the year after her husband’s injury, that worker’s compensation and the pension plan were NOT enough for her family to be financially secure.

After years of paying costly out-of-pocket medical bills totaling more than $55,000 (with maxed out credit card debt alone), the family received no reimbursement. When Greg’s compensation finally kicked in, it was only a fraction of his salary, leaving a huge income gap, and causing massive financial stress on the family.

As a CPA, Joan learned how to leverage the tools she uses in her business to survive this challenge.

She went from being a stay-at-home mom with a part- time accounting firm, to supporting her family with a full-time business that specializes in financially serving police and first responders who feel uncertain about their future - whether they are healthy or disabled.

Our Signature TLC Method

Tax Assistance:

Evaluating your tax history to establish patterns that are creating high tax debt and showing you steps to help you pay your fair share. We help you minimize taxes, so that you have more money

Life Insurance:

Evaluating your retirement goals and establishing how we can use life insurance as a tax free form of income in retirement. We help you use life insurance, so that you are protected from major life events and save money for a secure financial future

Civil liability:

Educating on how civil indemnity can affect your personal assets and establishing the steps we need to take to protect your family. We educated you about protecting your personal assets, so that you feel more at ease when life throws you a curveball

  • Who this is for

    We want all first responders to feel financially secure in their future for themselves, as well as their family - no matter what happens so they can make decisions from a strong financial mindset instead of making decisions based on fear and scarcity.

  • So then, who is this NOT for?

    Anyone experiencing debt consolidation, bankruptcy, foreclosure, or seeking advising on fiscal budgeting or investment of securities (stocks, bonds, etc.)

Contact us.

After dedicating your career to public service, one of your financial aspirations is to enjoy a secure and stress-free retirement, fully funded and comfortable.

Regrettably, although we diligently contribute to 457(b) plans and pensions, there's uncertainty about how much of our retirement savings will remain available when we need them. The essential knowledge of prudent money-saving practices hasn't been instilled in us.

Instead, we've been instructed to entrust our emergency and retirement funds to financial advisors and pension boards. The drawback of placing complete faith in these pension boards is the absence of a guarantee for your account balance, with ongoing fees eroding your savings. The investments they make are sensitive to factors like civil unrest, political changes, global events, and even pandemics. Often, you might indirectly support foreign economies you don't personally endorse. In the end, you find yourself lacking control, predictability, and, even worse, your savings dwindle.

At Fetch Your Wealth, we work with top insurance carries to ensure your retirement is guaranteed, available, predictable, and flexible even in your pre-retirement years for life events like college, unexpected medical emergencies, untimely death, home buying, and even emergency funds for that new roof, broiler, you name it!

Fill out the form to contact us to find out more!